Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's Jess! - This is my first blog that describes me and what I plan to write

My first blog post!  Does that mean I am now a blogger?  I totally hope that is what it means because it sounds bad ass, right?  Right?? Okay...maybe not.  To set the tone for my future blogs, I will be boring everyone to tears on my opinion of books I have read or could be currently reading, TV shows I'm into and obsessed with, tales of running, and the occasion mention of people.  Being a graduate student in counseling my world basically revolves around what people feel and think.  I have always loved people, learning about people, and being around people.  My major aspiration in life is to finish graduate school (December 2012), and find a job!  I'm leaning more towards college advising because it's what I do currently, and I do like it quite a bit.  My goal was to go back to school to get a job I liked and could tolerate.  A job I could wake up every morning and go to and feel good about.  Spending 3 years in insurance was brutal to my personality and my strengths as a person. 

My main dream has always been to be a writer.  In particular, a fiction novelist.  I thought about journalism but what I have found out is journalists have the same dream as I do, but they just can't find the time to write a novel with their crazy journalist schedules.  Plus, I took a journalism course in college, and I didn't do so well in it.  Journalism has never been for me.  Now, why didn't I go back to school for my dream job?  Because, many successful fiction writers never went to college or never went to school for English or creative writing.  You can take as many classes as you want in creative writing and English but it does not mean you will ever be cut out for fiction writing.  It takes dedication, perseverance, and extreme creativity. It is never a guarantee.  I wanted to be guaranteed a job in something I liked/tolerated that would allow me to work on my writing on the side and could potentially help me be a better writer.  My hopes with counseling is to help people but my other hope is that it helps me with character development.  Can you believe that?  Isn't that pretty crazy???