Friday, December 2, 2011

Brrrr it's cold out - Running is getting harder.

In my mid to late 20's I have become a very decent long distance runner.  How this has happened I am not really all that sure.  So far I have ran 5k's, 10k's, and a half marathon.  Running a half marathon has to be about one of the craziest ideas ever.  "What do you want to do?  Oh, I dunno run a half marathon".  When someone ever says this to you look them squarely in their two vapid, crazyass eyes and say, "No, no you will not run a half marathon". I don't even want to think about the people that run full marathons.  I wonder if people realize that is 26.2 miles.  This type of race takes at least 2-5 hours to do.  Think about all the other things you can get done in your life with 2-5 hours.  Even though I do happen to pee myself on the occasional 5k run, I would really like to forego the shitting myself part which would certainly happen to my overactive digestive/urinal/kidney system in my body during a full marathon.  All you crazy marathon runners out there I commend you.  I will just stick to my pee filled 5k runs for now.

Anyways since I am horribly off topic of what I was originally here to write in the blog land, running outside is starting to get harder now that it's at the 30 degree marker.  My typical run is 3.8 to 4 miles and today I almost passed out in the shower when I got home.  I started seeing stars, and I had to mentally talk myself into sticking it out long enough to put face wash on my face.  I think it's time to start running inside on treadmills which is my LEAST favorite thing to do.  I feel like a weird bedraggled hamster and hate the smell of stale sweat and human secretions wafting around me.  Running outside through the crisp air while seeing nature and being in nature is the only way to go.  I can't even watch TV on a treadmill because I get dizzy and want to vomit.  Sigh, this time of the year bites to be a runner.  I guess it's that time of year to say goodbye to nature and endure the smellyness of the wellness center.  I miss you nature see you in a few months!

Winter Running Tips:,7120,s6-238-267-589-12420-0,00.html

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