Saturday, January 14, 2012

I googled my name today and this is what I found...

First Google Page
1.  My Facebook profile was listed first.  This of course is not surprising since I think my obsession of Facebook is getting out of hand.  I blame this on the fact I'm couped up doing homework all the time and I take breaks and look at Facebook otherwise my mind would explode all over the place with counseling knowledge.  Anyone that likes Zombie's or watches the Walking Dead KNOWS this can get pretty gruesome.

2. LinkedIn profile.  I never use this and typically forget I even have a LinkedIn account.

3. My Twitter account.  I'm such a big user I have made two posts since I have opened my account up.  I think it's the fact I don't really know how to use it or know anyone who has twitter except for celebrities.  I would tweet at Celebs but they have a bazillion followers, and I don't want to get my hopes up that Chef Chuck Hughes from Chuck's Day off will come over and make me some delicious food.

4.  So the first page of my googled life is really lame.  It shows nothing of my accomplishments except for crappy social media sites I use.

2nd Google page

1. OKAY.  This is getting better! It has me listed on the Advising website at WSU - Finally my grad assistant acomplishment is showing up.

2. My 5K results for the goodview gallop!  Yes I came in 14 place overall over 342 females.  I am extremely thrilled with this accomplishment to only find out it shows up like 15th place on google searches for me. I was a little irritated my running achievements are showing up so second rate.  C'MON google! You are better than this!!

3rd Google Page
OKAY google.  NOW I have a bone to pick with you.  I won first place for my age group in the warrior waddle 5K race this fall.  It was cold out... so cold I almost died of hypothermia (Alright, I am being a bit dramatic).  BUT I WON A MEDAL! Do you know how exciting that is for me?  I use to come in last place at every cross country race in high school.  I was horrible... I was terrible!  Now I could run circles around people.  DAMNIT google!

And I must admit - this was fun.  But it was also a distraction from all the work I have to do today.  Anywho google.  Until we meet again. 

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